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two minutes of your time

Happy Friday!

I may not say it every day, but I cannot tell you how much joy each of you bring to my life! Sincerely. The time I take to blog is a respite from the craziness of my everyday routine. Thank you for helping make my little corner of the internet a community–and not just a stop on your internet to-do list šŸ˜‰



In order to bring you more relevant and helpful posts, I have put together a little survey. Ā I promise it’s painless–with only ten quick questions. Ā  I just want to know what I can do to make Eat2gather better for each of you! Ā Since my word for 2013 is FOCUS, the results of this survey will help me get to know more about you…and hone my posts to fit your needs.


Just so you know: this little survey is completely confidential. Ā I’ll never know who said what, so please share your opinions freely..though I hope you’ll also exhibit respect and love for what I try to do here.


[ Survey is here. ]


Thank you so much for taking your precious time to do this for me. Ā I appreciate it more than you will ever know!! Ā I can’t wait to hear what you think!


Much love, Sheila

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  1. What a great way to let your readers know you care…thanks for the opportunity to share what’s important to me as a reader. I truly appreciate your posts.