Home » Savory Mixed Nuts

Savory Mixed Nuts

I love giving and receiving delicious homemade gifts at the Holidays.  Every year our good friend Ruth, blesses us with a tin of her out of this world Chex Mix.  It’s chock full of all sorts of precious nuts, and goodies.  We look forward to it every year. Last year she added another delicious treat to our Christmas Package!  I thought nothing could top her Chex Mix, but these nuts are what dreams are made of.  Instead of Sugar Plums dancing in your head you will be having visions of Savory Holiday Nuts dancing around up there!


Do you have specialties that you make only at the Holidays, to give as gifts? 


These nuts are so addicting, it’s tempting to make them all the year round.  But I couldn’t do it.  I had to save them for the Holidays.  After all that’s one of the things that makes the holidays and Christmas time special right?  All the foods, and treats that we only have at this one time of year….and if you are like me you obsess over it all year long!



I have a confession to make.…when Ruth emailed me this recipe and Savory was in the ingredient list, I was like does she mean Sage? I read and reread it, then I dismissed it as a typo. I went to the store and there next to the Rosemary was Savory! Seriously, I had never heard of this herb or used it. Is that pitiful?

Do you use Savory in your cooking?

Savory is similar to Rosemary in flavor.  I would say it is more woody and aromatic possibly than rosemary…but still very similar.


This nut mix comes together so quickly, and it makes your house smell amazing!  I’m going to go out on a limb and say you might just want to double the recipe!!  Some for when guest pop in and some to gift!


Do me a favor and ignore the cranberries in the pictures above.  I found that mixing the cranberries in immediately after taking the nuts out of the oven works better than mixing them in beforehand…..but I only took pics of my first attempt.   So with that said, mix nuts together in a bowl, drizzle with olive oil, maple syrup, and seasonings, toss to combine.


Spread out on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees,  toss the cranberries in as soon as you take the nuts out of the oven.  Let cool and store in an air tight container.

Savory Holiday Nuts
2 cups Whole Pecans
2 cups Whole Walnuts
2 cups Whole Almonds
1 cup Whole Cashews
1/3 cup Maple Syrup
2 tablespoons Olive Oil
1 teaspoon fresh finely chopped Rosemary
1 teaspoon fresh finely chopped Thyme
1 teaspoon fresh finely chopped Sage
1 teaspoon fresh finely chopped Savory
1/4 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt
1/4 teaspoon fresh cracked, Pepper
1/2 cup dried Cranberries or more if you like

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Place nuts in a bowl, toss; drizzle with olive oil and maple syrup. Toss to coat. Sprinkle with spices, and combine.  Spread on a baking sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. As soon as nuts come out of the oven sprinkle with cranberries and toss. Let cool completely. Store in an airtight container or package the nuts in bags with bows for gifts!




Honestly one of my favorite things about the Holidays is making yummy treats wrapping them up all pretty to give as gifts to friends, neighbors, and family. Below you will find some other treats I make for gift giving. (You will notice some of these are from the early blogging days…Yikes! Well, please ignore the lack of pictures, and the typo’s and enjoy the recipes!!)

Beer Bread
Cappuccino Mix
Puppy Chow
Gingerbread Caramel Corn
Peanut Butter Pretzel Caramel Corn
Apple Butter, any canned pickle, relish, or jams are always great gifts!


Tell me a few of your favorite homemade gifts! 

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  1. I’m pretty sure my husband would think that those nuts would be fantastic! My question is do you use raw nuts or salted nuts or an kind of nuts from the grocery store? Thanks for the input!

    1. Good question! I used already roasted nuts, not raw. I couldn’t find unsalted cashews so they were salted but the almonds, pecans, and walnuts were not.

  2. A bowl of this would not be safe around me!! I love it, could snack on it all day. What a great gift idea. And savory? I think I’ve heard of it but really have no idea what it is!

    1. Aggie, Phew! I thought I was the only one who didn’t know what it was…apparently not ; D I would be cute given in a little dish too! Didn’t think of that till now. Thanks for stopping by e2g. xoxoxo, Sheila

  3. Ok…those look DELISH! My thanksgiving turkey recipe called for savory and I did the same thing…question whether or it was a typo. Ha! I also found savory in with all the other yummy herbs!

    1. Yes! I’m not the only one…how crazy it that it took us 20 years of cooking to realize what savory herb was, always learning something new..Joy of Cooking ; )